The research of our group is funded by the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC/CRSNG),
Genome Canada and
Simon Fraser University.
We also benefit from the excellent infrastructures of ComputeCanada.
We have recently collaborated or are currently collaborating with the following people
- Yann Ponty (Polytechnique, France)
- Nadia El-Mabrouk (Montréal, Canada)
- Leonid Chindelevitch (SFU, Canada)
- Ryan Brinkman (UBC and BC Cancer Agency, Canada)
- Faraz Hach (UBC and VPC, Canada)
- Will Hsiao (BC Center for Disease Control)
- Celine Scornavacca (CNRS/LIRMM, Montpellier, France)
- Aida Ouangraoua and Manuel Lafond (Sherbrooke, Canada)
- Eric Tannier (Lyon, France)
- Sèverine Bérard (Montpellier, France)
- Roland Wittler and Jens Stoye (Bielefeld, Germany)
- Rayan Chikhi (CNRS and Institut Pasteur)